
My world, my story, my life

Iklan Nutrilon : Life Starts Here

By Rizki saputri

Suka banget pokoknya sama iklan susu yang satu ini. Kata-katanya bagus!
Nih video sama kata-katanya ;)

Let's call on the interested... The wide-eyed, the hopeful
The princesses and the princes...Their believer

Let's summon the generals... The queens, the kings,
And the knights that ride the adventurous trails

Let's call on the leaders... The lover, the big ones, the small ones 
 The been-there's, the done-that's...Discoverers, the conductor
The scientist, the CEOs

Let's call on the skywalkers... The movers, the shakers
Let's call on the curious... And bring on the hope.


Somehow I Realize

By Rizki saputri

Yeah somehow I realize
To encourage someone, you have to encourage yourself first, or else it was just bullshit!
Acting nice in front of people just to make them like you isn't a good thing. If you don't like it say it, if you're annoyed tell them, just be your enjoyable self!
Not Confidence with yourself? Oh c'mon how can people know you, recognize your skill if you're not confidence with it. Show them!
Think Other people is better than you, you're stupid, you're not good enough. Stop it! Think you're better than them, you're smart, you're great then you'll be!
Hate your imperfect self? hey, without that imperfect you'll not be you. approve that perfect and imperfect side so you can feel the life
Feel irritated cause your parents words, everything they said are worth for your life, you'll regret if you waste their advices

The conclusion is -> You're adorable! So just be you, don't be nice to people just to make them like you. Be nice because you want it, because you're a nice person. Show them your skills, you're great, y'know. There's no one perfect in this world, only Allah. People will know you not just from the good one but from the not good one too. The last one, parents are really important, we all nothing without them, treasure your parents more, be good to them, they're our hero ;)


You are the one who create your own money, happiness and future. And it's ONLY you who can, NO ONE ELSE....